Stake Youth Conference – May 24-26


What’s the theme?: If Ye Love Me

Why should I come?: Fun activities, new and old friends, inspired speakers, service project and talent show, a fabulous

Eighties themed dance with prizes and fun, spiritual uplift, great food!!!!!

Times and Venues:

Friday May 24th, 6-9:30pm, Stake Centre
Saturday May 25th, 10am-11pm Stake Centre
Sunday May 26th, 7-8:30pm BANNISTER CHAPEL

Meals provided:Friday supper, Saturday lunch and supper, plus snacks between meals. Please let Natalie Cobb (  know if there are food sensitivities that need to be accommodated, as soon as is possible.

Do I need to register?: There will be registration at the door

What should I bring?:  Bring a device – if you have one – with LDS account number and password

Bring a pair of LABELLED fabric scissors – if you have some

Bring a friend, non-member or less active member with you!

How should I dress?:   Dress is neat casual for Friday and Saturday. Sunday dress for the fireside on Sunday.The dance on Saturday night is Eighties Themed and we would love you to dress in your favourite Eighties get up if you would like!! Time to change will be included in the schedule.

Talent Show: There is a talent show on Saturday evening . Youth are invited to bring an act of three minutes or less. There is a youth from every  ward or branch who is collecting signups for the  Talent show – ask your leaders who your Youth Rep is and sign up.

What else?:    Come, have a great time, be renewed, make friends!!!!