Letter from the Stake Presidency – March 13, 2020

March 13, 2020 (11:30am)

Dear Members of the Foothills Stake,

As we continue to monitor the ever-changing environment in regard to COVID-19, this email provides an additional update pertaining to the Foothills Stake.

As directed by the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, effective immediately, all public gatherings for church members have now been cancelled. This includes all Sunday worship services, branch, ward, stake, and regional activities, as well as leadership training meetings. (full article here)

The situation surrounding the COVID-19 virus is fluid and fast moving. Alberta’s Minister of Health has stated, “There is a window of opportunity for Alberta to slow the spread of the virus, and thereby protect the health of Albertans. Other countries who have faced this crisis have proven that immediate public measures are necessary to prevent the spread of the virus and protect public health. The steps we take now, and in the days ahead will help determine the severity of this outbreak for Alberta.” (full article here)

Details specific to the Foothills Stake:

  • All branch, ward, stake, and regional youth and singles activities have been postponed.
  • The youth activity scheduled for March 13 has been postponed.
  • The Come & See Fireside on March 22 has been postponed.
  • All upcoming Ward Conferences have been postponed.
  • Mission Prep, ESL, and ARP meetings have been postponed.
  • All activities in church buildings, other than funerals, are suspended until further notice. Please contact Mark Campbell for any questions regarding previously planned events.
  • There will be updates regarding institute & seminary classes coming soon.
  • Everyone will have the opportunity to partake of the sacrament at least once a month. Regarding sacrament, further direction will come from your Bishop or Branch President shortly.
  • Stake temple recommend interviews will continue to be held at the regular times and places.

Please use this opportunity to embrace home-centered worship as you use “Come Follow Me” and continue to worship the Lord in your homes through daily scripture study, holding personal and family prayers, and honoring the Sabbath day.  At this time the Calgary Temple remains open.

If you have symptoms, stay home and call Health Link by dialing 811 for instructions. The symptoms of COVID-19 are described here under the heading “Symptoms”. Please continue to follow the advice of washing your hands frequently and staying home if you are sick.

Brothers and Sisters, please be assured that we are monitoring this situation very closely. For the last two weeks, a special team within our stake has been following this ever-changing situation. In addition, we are in frequent contact with our Area Authorities and we will update you if there are important developments specifically pertaining to our stake. Please stay informed of church-wide developments by following the updates on www.churchofjesuschrist.org. Any new information from our stake will be emailed as well as posted on the stake Facebook account, and the Foothills Stake website.

We would ask that members remember in their prayers those affected by this virus and the entire world as we respond to this difficult situation. It doesn’t help anyone to disregard the seriousness of this, but we also need to be optimistic and reassuring. We reassure you that the Lord is mindful of all of His children. “…Be still and know that I am God.” (D&C 101:16) “Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.” (D&C 123:17)

With love,
President Gordon Lee, President Jim Kyle, President Barry Moore