New Singles Ward Meeting – Apr. 23

Interested single adults ages 31 to 45 in all seven Calgary stakes are invited to attend a special meeting to hear of plans for a new singles ward in Calgary serving that age group.  The hour-long meeting will be held on Sunday, April 23rd at 5:00 pm at the Crescent Road building located at 202 Crescent Road NW.  Elder G. Lawrence Spackman is scheduled to preside at that meeting.

The plan is that the new Lions Gate Ward will start meetings on May 21st.

Interested single adults are welcome to counsel with their leaders and make the request to transfer their membership to the ward via an online form at

When making your decision, please consider the following guidelines:

  1. You should not feel pressured to attend the Lions Gate Ward; you are encouraged to pray about the decision. Either the Lions Gate Ward, or your family ward can be good options, depending on guidance from the Spirit.
  2. You may choose to counsel with Church Leaders, who will help you make a decision that best suits your needs, but ultimately this is a personal decision between you and the Lord.
  3. You should first consider where you can best serve the Lord, and secondly, in which ward your needs can best be met.